When Does It Become Too Much? | Teen Ink

When Does It Become Too Much?

October 14, 2011
By Swans11 BRONZE, Conewango Valley, New York
Swans11 BRONZE, Conewango Valley, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

School sports can be a big part of a student’s High School years. It takes time, dedication, and most of all the will to stick with it. Without these three things I believe your high school sports career will not last as long as you would think.

Many students every year sign up for sports in their school. Weather they are aware of the challenges they will face or not they will soon become very evident. School sports are becoming increasingly demanding for the students who play them. Sports are constantly pushing their players to the next level.

Has the intensity become too much for the average student? I believe you must be the judge of that.

As a high school athlete myself, I know the how nice it feels to just go home after a hard practice and want to sleep the rest of the night. Six days a week and Two hours each day afterschool can become extremely exhausting. I find myself wondering when it will become too overwhelming.

Along with the dedication to sports comes the dedication to regular school academics and the long nights full of Five or more classes of homework. In most cases a student is unable to participate in a sport unless their grades are up to school standards. This kind of life could eventually catch up with even the most determined and physically fit.

If you are able to push through the thick and thin of being a high school athlete I believe it could pay off in the end. It has been evident that these types of methods have produced countless state champion teams. These years of intense sports may surprise you with opportunities to take your skill to the next level.

The author's comments:
This article is mainly on experiences i have had and instances i have encountered as a high school athlete that many others will also face as an athlete.

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