Relaying for Life | Teen Ink

Relaying for Life

January 6, 2012
By english221 BRONZE, Anaheim, California
english221 BRONZE, Anaheim, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What is important to you? There are many things in life that are of common importance: family, friends, a job,etc. One of the most important things for our community and citizens is charity work. There are so many great things that a person could do to stay active in the community and at the same time possible save lives. Relay For Life is an excellent example of this. The relayers of Anaheim Hills get together for months before the Relay and plan, raise money, and support others in the battle against cancer. Theses volunteers are just one stop in the relay for a cancer patient. This program raises money for cancer awareness and trying to find a cure. Cancer is a huge issue in Anaheim Hills and al over the world. If you were to ask almost any person , you would find that they were somehow affected by cancer. Whether it was a personal experience or if a friend or family member faced the battle against cancer. Relay for Life is certainly an event to remember and look forward too. It is filled with love and support from every person there. The atmosphere is amazing an you can truly see a community coming together to support other people. When i experienced Relay for the first time, it reassured my faith in the people who i lived near. I saw a community connect and come together which is something not usually seen these days. Relay for Life is an amazing experience and should be an example of how giving back is so important.

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired by my involvement in the committee of Relay For Life of Anaheim Hills

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