Life | Teen Ink


June 20, 2008
By Anonymous

Life is so confusing at times, when you think you've finally got the hang of things, something goes wrong. This is how it always is. Many people dred when things go right because they know that is usually followed by the bad. When going through bad times I think about when the good will happen. I try not to take advantage of life because I know that if I do, I'll end up losing it quicker than I already am. I try not to regret things or hold grudges. Yes, many times I do, but I'm human what do you expect? I've gotten a lot out of life, the good and the bad. I've learned from many's mistakes as well as from my own. I learn a lot from the tough stuff that goes on and I try to put that to use with other people. Life is all about living, live it don't want to get rid of it. Learn from what happens so you can save someone, so you can help others get through tough times. I've found that by teaching others life lessons, you end up teaching yourself something as well. You will always be accepted by somebody. With the good Always comes the bad, but also with the bad always comes the good, always remember that. Have faith in God he IS there, believe it.

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This article has 1 comment.

juana3383b said...
on Aug. 16 2008 at 2:49 am
What a great article!