Few Changes, Many Differences | Teen Ink

Few Changes, Many Differences

December 5, 2012
By Anonymous

When you wonder who you are, what do you feel? Do you fear your appearance? Do you regret your decision making? Do you feel frustration when you can't understand life? I've felt that. One thing I made sure to do in the end was accept happiness and greatness. I have misunderstood plenty of things in my life and the feeling from it just brought me down. My rise to success was to improve, create goals, find interests. At first my foolishness never gave me the thought of failure but several years later that grew to uncontrollable behavior and disoriented my life making it harder to put things together and find knowledge deeply stored in my mind. One day I just used these feelings to redirect the path I was in by changing the things that hurt me to things that could influence me. Finding my true friends has been a main influence. Society now and days is very harsh and is like a constant battle to be number one and they have changed the game. Friendship now is making fun of each other and causing unnecessary drama. I've been called a friend and only used for power. The more so called "friends" you have the more back up you have. I got tired of it one day and ignored everyone and stopped all distant communication. This helped give me the perseverance to discard the ungrateful acquaintances that caused my failure. Once I gathered enough attention I informed them that I was ready to move on and so I did. Yes I still feel some sympathy for the less fortunate but until they develop the maturity to understand I will not let them damage my future. I am now working on finding my interest to build my future and with me overcoming my challenges I feel strong and I will continue to strengthen my happiness and take care of my future. I hope someone can take my words and make a positive difference.

The author's comments:
I just felt like giving this a try. I find writing interesting and wanted to attempt to distribute my opinions to the public. I saw it as a win/win situation but I'll just have to wait to see the result. Hope someone likes it.

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