To Be Judged | Teen Ink

To Be Judged

December 11, 2012
By Anonymous

People all around the world are judged unfairly all the time. Our appearance, the way we talk, what we wear, and our social class are constantly judged by everyone. Now, it’s more of a normal thing to do, which is pretty awful.

A person first impression of you means a lot, even though that shouldn’t be the only thing they should pay attention to. Before you judge someone on the kind of person he/she is, you should stop and get to know them first. Everyone is different in his or her own way. Whether its in food/taste, clothing, or speech. Some people try to keep up to date with the “latest” styles, while others just wear what they want to wear because of their personal taste.

People have different likes and dislikes. Is it okay to hate someone if his or her favorite color is blue and yours is green? No. Does it make you a better person hating someone because of what he or she like and you dislike? No. There are more important things to argue about at that very moment than which color of the rainbow is better.

Even though people differ from each other, that shouldn’t determine why people are judged about their beliefs or race. You should not hate someone if they do not believe in the same things as you. Same goes for race. People judge others by their physical appearances. But it doesn’t matter. We are all different on the outside. One race or religion is no better then another. We were born this way.

You never really know what happens by a person’s life until you walk a mile in their shoes. People should not be judged by physical appearances. They should be judged by whether they treat the people around them respectfully, and the kind of person they are. People have to start looking past all the imperfections on the outside and pay attention to what is on the inside.

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