We Are Weak | Teen Ink

We Are Weak

January 31, 2013
By Guardian_core BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
Guardian_core BRONZE, Solon, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have an idea. The idea itself doesn’t matter; what does matter is the reaction towards the idea. The general public isn’t ready for the consequences that would result if implemented. In truth my notion isn’t an Everest of ideas; it is fairly simple and shouldn’t cost much money to be completed, but in order to be completed it will cost things more than money. And this idea could not be practiced, without force anyway, because of one simple fact. This one simple fact truly holds back the human race, this fact is the reason why I writing this, and this fact is why I have lost hope in the human race. The fact is that humans have become weak; they are weak because of all the advancements in technology and medicine, thus producing a smarter, but lazier, and wimpier human being.

Back when technology was archaic and medicine just consisted of simple plants of the environment around you, the human race was powerful, strong, hard working, and tough; the women back then were tougher than the men of today. The people of that time had no other choice but to be tough in order to survive, in order to bring food home for the family it wasn’t a simple walk to the refrigerator or a visit to the neighborhood store, the men had to wake up early gather their simple tools and go out and hunt down animals in order to provide for the family, and was done almost every day. These situations bring out the best qualities a human can have and if were to still be on that path we would be even stronger and in better health, and let’s not forget that our environment wouldn’t be so devastated.

The thing that is the most damaging to the human race would have to be the medicine. With all of the medications and the infamous inoculations, humans are genetically getting weaker. Back when medications were simple and actually strengthened the body through natural means. Due to processes such as the famous natural selection only the strong survived. Just as any other animal, we would lead to make a more perfect organism. The reason why there are so many diseases around today mounting up a killing spree is due to the medicine that we have today; to become the perfect human these must be eliminated. If we were to enable ourselves to do this we would become stronger, but due to the weakness of mind these modern humans have,the path to the perfect human is blocked.

The author's comments:
My hope is that when people veiw this that they will have some understanding of what we are doing to ourselvesas a species and to beable to see further down the road as to what may happen if change does not occur.

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This article has 1 comment.

on Feb. 7 2013 at 8:19 pm
MckennaS PLATINUM, Port St Lucie, Florida
21 articles 0 photos 55 comments

Favorite Quote:
Well, I’m well.
Well, I mean I’m in hell.
Well, I still have my health
At least that’s what they tell me
If wellness is this, what in hell’s name is sickness?"

I respect your opinion, but life expecancies are longer because of medicine. And because of medication for mental health, I have  a lot of friends that are still alive. I am thankful for that. If we are weak, it's because we choose to be weak. It is not weak to need medication. I don't believe it's weak to take medication.  There are many lazy people in our society, but there are also many people that work very hard. We have evolved, and just because things aren't how they used to....maybe this is just how it's supposed to be. That's just my opinion.