Love Yourself | Teen Ink

Love Yourself

February 22, 2013
By Anonymous

Everyone talks of their body and others. Some are hurtful words of jealousy. Some are the hurtful words to themselves, or hatred. Why would anyone hate themselves? I used to judge. And judge in a jealous way and. Hurtful ways, I won't any longer. My friend is Anorexic. She cuts herself because she's hurt and scared of other's judgments. But I love her, just like I love everyone else. This experience has made me cry, have nightmares, and honestly made me wonder... why me, why her. I understand that god throws us curve balls. He wants us to struggle so that we can finally find ourselves. We should love everyone, no matter what. No matter by weight, or popularity or anything because the only one who can see yourself as ugly is you. And they only way you would even be ugly, is if you made yourself that way. God makes us all beautiful. I am struggling currently to help myself and my friend. How could you go on in life without your best friend? But, I guess this is just a curve ball god is throwing at myself and my friend. Both of us haven't found ourselves and we need too. And you know what... I think I finally have.

The author's comments:
Always believe in yourself, and don't forget who you are.

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