Freedom | Teen Ink


March 1, 2013
By wesb2013 BRONZE, North Bend, Nebraska
wesb2013 BRONZE, North Bend, Nebraska
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When someone mentions the word freedom, what pops into your head? Some might say the right to speak, others might mention doing standing up for what is right. If you were to ask 100 different people to define of freedom, you would get 100 different answers. Regardless of what everyone would say, freedom is more than a definition. Freedom is what our ancestors fought for in each of our nation’s wars. Our founding fathers, and their followers, came to America in search of freedom. They shed blood to support their beliefs of being able to act, do, and say what their heart told them was right. They showed that freedom can be more than an idea. It can be a reality. This is why I define freedom as the ability to stand up for yourself, believe what you want, and knowing that there is safety and security provided for you upon doing so. Freedom is knowing that there is always something that cannot be taken away from you. But most importantly, freedom is that sense of pride that everyone takes for granted. Without freedom we would live in a third world country, having to fight for our lives every day.

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Will be entered for the local Marine Corps League Scholarship.

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