Work Harder | Teen Ink

Work Harder

March 2, 2013
By Colleennn BRONZE, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
Colleennn BRONZE, Mount Pleasant, South Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Criminal justice you are a fail. Innocent highschool kids are in jail. What about rapists? They still exist. But them you don't seek. I've had some close calls this week. Murderers out there, still runnin free. While I have police still harassing me. Looked up some statistics to back up like discuss. It's harder to find a job in chicago, then hiding the body and popping the glock yo! Picking on kids cause it's the easy way out. Then eating a donut and sit on the couch. You can't catch the bad guys since they smarted you out. My parents pay takes to support all thier flaws. Thats more f****ed up than the green witch from "The wizard of Ozz." Fifteen percent of felonies is all you have solved. My trust in this system, completely dissolved.

The author's comments:
100% true! Sick of all my friends getting arrested for stupid petty crimes that shouldn't be crimes in the first place.

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