Minor Bulling | Teen Ink

Minor Bulling

May 9, 2013
By rose532 BRONZE, Flowery Branch, Georgia
rose532 BRONZE, Flowery Branch, Georgia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I was in math class. It was about a week after the big final for all the subjects so my teacher gave us a day off. I was trying to get Homework for my fourth period done when a girl, who was playing on her I phone with some other girls, started asking me questions and annoying me. Now I knew her name and had a few small conversations with her but I did not "Know" her. Her friend and her started to talk to me saying "Why don't you like me?" I would replied back with "I don't not like you." Eventually they started to take videos (I thought they were just pictures) so I put my hand covering the left side of my face hopping theat they would get the idea. They then accidentally spilt water and kept saying that I had an accident! The day after I kept getting positive comments from strangers saying that if I wanted to talk to thee councilor they would back me up, I had no clue why until about 4th period when someone finally explained that the two girls had posted thee video on Vine. They were told to remove and when my 5th period math teacher found out she pulled the two girls out of there class and she had called my dad to tell him. In my 6th period on the second day my science teacher said that he had read an email explaining what had happened, sent by the assistant Principal. He told me to go to her office so I did and I was informed on what type of trouble the girls were in.

But the day before all of this had happened I was accused of making a list of people I did not like but the fallowing problem had proved that I had not.

All and all I had a petty good day on the last day of all of this because strangers, friends, and even people who did not like me said that they thought the video was wrong and they tried to make me feel better. That only worked because they tried. the words they said meant nothing to me just the though made me so happy.

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