School Safety: Parent Involvement | Teen Ink

School Safety: Parent Involvement

June 12, 2013
By kmm719 BRONZE, Columbia, Maryland
kmm719 BRONZE, Columbia, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Parent involvement in not only academic, but also social life will help reduce violence and aggression in their schools. It is basic knowledge that a child with involved parents will be physically and emotionally safer; however, when parents get involved in their children’s schools, it makes their children and the students that attend the school feel much safer (McClain 2). Recently, a former Marine stood outside his daughter’s elementary school. He knew this would help to reassure the students that they were safe (McClain 2). These types of contributions can greatly influence how safe the students feel and how safe the schools actually are (Data Collection). By seeing a police officer, marine, or even a parent outside of their school. the kids may feel more comfortable going to school every day (McClain 1). Parents can be involved in many ways. Simply talking to their children about how to stay safe at school can make a tremendous effect. By hearing this from people the know and trust, the children are more likely to listen and act upon the advice (Data Collection). Parent should involve themselves in school activities. They should regularly attend parent-teacher conferences and take up volunteer opportunities. Knowing what is going on within your child’s school is extremely important to the safety and overall atmosphere of the school. Children spend a great portion of their childhood at their school. This school needs to have all the aspects needed for the children to learn in a safe, nurturing school environment (Data Collection).

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