China's Orphans | Teen Ink

China's Orphans

September 7, 2013
By CatherineGrace12 BRONZE, Reading, Massachusetts
CatherineGrace12 BRONZE, Reading, Massachusetts
2 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
Success is the best revenge.

The cries of dying children in orphanages are being disregarded all around the globe. The surplus of abandoned children and orphans has reached an extraordinarily new high. In Africa alone, 5,760 children become orphans every single day. While I’m at school or on the soccer field, a child is left alone to survive on their own. In Russia, orphaned kids with special needs are overlooked, hidden from the public eye, and not available for international adoption. In China, lifeless bodies are left to rot on the ground. Orphanages and private charitable homes may seem like the ideal sanctuary to house homeless children, but some do more bad than good. Problems of child trafficking and adoption scams have aroused within the past five years. The amount of orphans in the world is one of the most substantial problems of modern day society, and has especially weakened China.

The Auschwitz camp had a death rate of about 70 to 80 percent. The average death rate of some Chinese orphanages has reached a staggering 50 percent! The sickening, gruesome conditions of these orphanages are a home for not only orphans, but also abandoned children. Girls outnumber the boys because of China's traditional preference to males over females. What is even worse is how the children are dying in state-run orphanages. The Chinese government is allowing their unwanted children to be abused like this, and they are ignoring this massive problem. They continue to enforce the one-child policy, making China one of the most adopted from country on earth.

Children's lifeless bodies are left to rot on the ground, bugs eating away at their corpses. One report states: "They were only little shreds of life, listless piles of skin and bones passing away, unmourned, at the Shanghai Children's Welfare Institute." After just six months at that institute, two and a half year old Xie Ying died of malnutrition and mental deficiency. Mei Ming, whose name means "No Name" in Chinese, died after ten days in a "dying room" in Guangdong, one of the wealthier provinces in China. As the article "Leaving them to Starve" states, "an American missionary told NEWSWEEK about a boy toddler he befriended in an orphanage in southwest China in 1991. Chinese staff members said the boy was severely retarded. ‘He had a crippled leg, but otherwise he was healthy,’ the missionary remembered. ‘I taught him to sing. Then I left town on business. And when I got back, he was dead.’” There is an abundance of cases like these. And, newly released medical records were brought to the public's attention by accident, shining a tiny spotlight on the vast problem. The Shanghai Children's Welfare Institute is the exhibition orphanage of China. According to NEWSWEEK and various foreign news organizations, the conditions are beyond abhorrent. The hundreds of orphanages across the country contain "dying rooms" with children tied to wooden toilets, sleeping in their own waste. They have a very limited supply of food, clothing, toys, and other basic necessities. Chinese children that are not seemingly ready to be adopted are starved, abused, and disregarded. The healthier babies that are prepared for adoption are sent to Shanghai.

The author's comments:
If I saw a child in my home town being treated the way some are in orphanages across the world, I would spring into action. So, why should it make a difference that they are halfway across the globe? I may not have the resources to help them now, but I vow to someday. If I was in their position, and I was homeless and starving, I would only wish that somebody would come and help me. It’s not really fair for me not too. One apple could mean the difference between life and death for them, but only a light snack before lunchtime for me. Some of my findings throughout my research were deeply upsetting, and the way so many babies and children are living broke my heart. I was distressed over how badly someone can treat another human being, let alone a child, and get away with it under the supervision of the government. I was dumbfounded over the conditions in some orphanages, and found it difficult to describe them. But, I wish that I was introduced to this information earlier. It made me stop and realize how very lucky I am to have such a privileged lifestyle with so many opportunities, and how everyone should be able to prosper in life. I feel like this sort of news has been shielded from me, but I think it is vital to understand what some kids live in. Dreadful things that are going on in foreign countries may seem like no big deal to them, but it would be an immense story in the United States. The horridness of an event shouldn’t change based on what country you’re in. Optimistically, I hope that the orphans all over the globe will someday find a home, and I strongly believe that it is possible.

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on Sep. 25 2013 at 10:36 pm
PotsnPans SILVER, FPO, Other
5 articles 0 photos 28 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't cry because it's over- Smile because it happened.

You should read "Silent Tears." It's about an American woman who volunteered at an orphanage near her home in China. Good book, not incredibly well written but sheds a harsh light on chinese orphanages. Great article:)