Helping Me Go Far | Teen Ink

Helping Me Go Far

October 1, 2013
By Jack Lane BRONZE, Hinsdale, Illinois
Jack Lane BRONZE, Hinsdale, Illinois
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The pressure to succeed is healthy for a person because it challenges them to accomplish the task at hand. Pressure can bring out the finest in people and commands them to work hard toward a goal. Without it, people wouldn't know what they are capable of achieving. Pressure to succeed will help me to go far in life.

Personally, my parents' academic successes, in addition to my own goals, pressure me to do well in school. My father went to the University of Notre Dame and I hope to be a student there someday, as well. Due to his education, he now has a good job and has achieved much in his life, and I intend to follow in his footsteps. Therefore, I set a goal for myself to attend a superior college. I want to attend Notre Dame, but if I end up going somewhere else that will offer me an excellent education, I will have achieved my goal. To reach this goal, I perform my finest in school and in return, my parents have developed an expectation for good grades. It's easy to feel the weight on my shoulders from my academic goals and my parents' expectations, but it pushes me to be the best I can be. So far, I am proud of what I have accomplished and well on my way to meeting my goal.

Parents also feel the pressure to succeed in order to provide for their children. In almost all communities, there are families who struggle financially. In particular, many parents who find it difficult to find good work and take care of their children. Thus, when a parent finds a decent job, they are pushed to work hard and maintain a stable living for their family. That pressure gives them the extra “push” to achieve success. In addition to this pressure to make a living, my parents are always expressing how important it is for them to have a positive influence on my sister and me. This proves to be true for many parents, as kids look up to their mom and dad, and often develop into a very similar person. For that reason, many parents try to be a positive example for their children. It pressures them to act wisely around their children, so the kids can learn from their behavior. Not only do they attempt to act this way for their own reputation, but to help their children become mature and successful people.

Athletes around the world also can benefit from the intense pressure to succeed. For instance, a rookie on a professional team constantly experiences the pressure to perform. They have to prove to their coach and teammates that they are talented enough to play on the team. In other words, an athlete has to perform their best to earn a spot and be respected. Another example is the Olympics; it is one of the most watched events in the world. As an athlete, I have participated in events with many people attending, and it clearly adds pressure because you fear of messing up and embarrassing yourself. The athletes at the Olympics are on a much bigger stage with eyes from almost every country watching them. Furthermore, these athletes want to win for their country.

Globally, countries' leaders feel pressure to thrive and succeed, which has resulted in many wars. When there is a conflict between two or more countries, each leader bears the pressure to produce a positive result for their country. The United States war against Afghanistan demonstrates that the U.S. government feels the pressure to protect their citizens from terrorism because we want to prosper without fear of danger. Also, governments are compelled to make good ploitical decisions and lead their country. If they do a poor job, the citizens feel the negative effects; hence they sense the pressure to succeed. I am one of those constituents, so personally I hope our American leaders feel the pressure to succeed, so I can live in a safe and thriving country that sets a good example for the rest of the world.

Humans feel the pressure to succeed everyday, whether it is to provide for a family or even to survive. Pressure to succeed is prevalent across all ages, races, and genders. Pressure, however, is a very deceiving feeling. While in the moment, it may seem to be a burden, but pressure also forces a person to work hard and gain a sense of accomplishment. Without it, we would rarely achieve anything because we would not have the determination that goes hand in hand with pressure.

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This article has 2 comments.

megbug5 said...
on Oct. 4 2013 at 12:27 pm
great peice jack!!!!

E-Boy said...
on Oct. 4 2013 at 10:15 am
Jack, this is really good and I believe that this is a great article to read and more people should read this because this is a common issue in Middle School for kids. You are my hero. GO BLAST