animal rights | Teen Ink

animal rights

November 8, 2013
By blackcats BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
blackcats BRONZE, Marietta, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Before animal right had been small concept not too long ago, but
in modern day it is a big debt. The controversy is that you either believe
animal have right to live a life unaffected by human, also you may believe that
human a animal can coexist with out the kill off each other (impossible), or
your like Peta and you believe that anything that put animals in danger or miss
treated meant of animal ( like stomp on a cockroach), should be illegal. On the
other had you could believe that animal are your to do what you want with this
spit what will com of them, you could be a arrogant person who believe there
will always be more, you could believe that animals that aren't domesticated
are a pest and should be kill.( that like 99% of the earth population of animal
species. last you could be the type of person who believe in survival of the
fittest and hunt for sport cause you feel superior. animal right were not a
problem before however when land pollution, overgrazing, and urbanizing land
for farming or cities has practically kill a chuck of the population of
animals. and it not just the wild animals it the domesticated one to. lot of
the farm animals are treat worse now than they were before. the sheds are only
so large and the space is cramped, which is unhealthy, they are at risk of
disease getting trampled to
death, birth problems. when they are born they are induced to steroids, growth
hormone, for male chicks de-feathering, sheep are castrated, cows are
genetically mutated to produce milk whenever where ever which can be a strain on
the organism. The businesses that
support this are only there for the money like Tyson, and the farmer aren't any
better. There worker will beat and almost kill the animal for no reason, and
there not even well trained to do this. Animals are an important part of the
ecosystem and are not just here for our pleasure, they keep the food chain in
balance and the world from over populating. People who dislike the acts of
people hurting animal and do nothing are at fault themselves, because they chose
to do nothing; it not my pet or this species of blah blah could never be hurt,
well that incorrect people in china will skin and sell the fur of all kinds of
animals like mink, raccoon, snake, dogs and cats. The sick part about it is that
people in America buy it. Some of those dogs still have collars, so what if it
was your dog or pet. However you don't have to be at fault you can petitioning
against the farming industries, and the companies to stop the way that they farm
animals, people don't need fat food all the time, you would be better off with
grains then grilled beef. You could get a ban on the sale of fur clothing in
your state, city, or even town. Thou I don't believe everything they say is a
good idea Peta is a huge supporter of animal rights, and though you don't have
to go vegan, cause we couldn’t let the animals free cause it would mess up the
ecosystem, we don't have to eat so much meat or buy so much. Your body is more
adapted to eating veggies and grain then meat.

though I say all this I also believe that animals eat other
animals even if there omnivores and though peta want them to have equal right
they can't stop all omnivore to stop eating meat, and people are animals we
just are conscious, so I see nothing wrong with eating other animals, even if
we get them from a farm cause, we don't have the necessary parts to hunt them
normally. (no claws or sharp teeth that can either crush bone, cut off
breathing or obsessive bleeding.)

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