Writing | Teen Ink


December 5, 2013
By irrelevantnumber10 BRONZE, Vienna, Virginia
irrelevantnumber10 BRONZE, Vienna, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“We are set in our ways, bound by our perspectives and stuck in our thinking.” -Joel Osteen

Everybody has their release. Sports and art are the two main ones that come to mind as the most common. Under that category of art is my release: writing. And yes, writing is an art form. There are those who can read well, but cannot convey meaning. There are those who speak well, but cannot understand others. And there are those who read and think, “I can do that. I can put words together that properly express all the emotions inside”. Untangling the interwoven threads of feelings from inside your brain and stringing them together in a way that makes sense and is relatable to other people is no easy task, and I know for me organization is where I struggle. I put down random thoughts, write them in places where no one else can find them and they seem irreverent, to everyone else but me. And then, if I hide them away for a bit then unlock them again, they float out in front of me, creating a cloud of reminiscing.

And there I went again getting distracted and off topic; the point is that writing is not just a release for me. It’s a constant: always has been and always will be. Some people hate that feeling of not being able to remember the word that describes what they’re feeling, but I love it. Because when you finally get it, when you finally see it as the light at the end of the tunnel, you can’t help but run with it, and bask in the euphoria that you get from that small, seemingly unimportant victory. If I could be surrounded by new words every day, I would. And I don’t mean reading the dictionary until all the words look like straight lines, I mean literally all around me. On the walls, on the doors, outside the windows, floating in midair, even on the doorknob before I turn it. Plucking them out of thin air and putting them in my pocket with thoughts of “can’t wait to use that one,” and “I’ll save that for later,” bouncing around in my head. Words serve a purpose that no other inanimate object can: they give things meaning. Which is why writers are my favorite kind of people: they come up with different ways to create meaning from the same materials.

Everybody has their release. Mine is writing, and I want to share it with other people so that I can 1) free some of the thoughts from captivity, and 2) show others how much writing means to me. It’s not just a part time hobby. It’s a lifestyle.

The author's comments:
If I make any sense to you, you’re probably a writer, or you’re a reader, or you think the same way as me. Regardless, you’re still one of my favorite people.

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