Bad Ad | Teen Ink

Bad Ad

December 18, 2013
By Anonymous

This ad was created by Fekkai to help sell their hair products. In the ad there are mostly plain colors but is the background the Fekkai hair product is in all bright colors. They used a beautiful woman in the ad to make people believe that if they get their hair product that they will look as beautiful as this model. She is about in her mid twenties, and she is white. You can tell that this product is targeting young white women probably from the ages between 14- 37 roughly because there Is a young white women in the ad that most girls that age want to look like . It says on the bottom of the ad “The most privileged hair in the world” which is persuading people to get this product by saying that if you get their product you will have the best hair in the world. This is bad because it’s making people think they will look like the model in the ad if they get the product, but they won’t because once you buy this hair product you won’t just become beautiful.

The model that in this ad is wearing a white buttoned up shirt with only about half of the buttons button and nothing underneath. She has her right shoulder exposed in the ad, making it seem like she is going to take off her clothes and lightly touching her exposed shoulder. This is bad because it is exploiting women in a bad way by making them look like just an object. It looks like in the back ground of the model that she is in a really nice house, rather expensive. The “beautiful people” persuasive technique is used in many ads. They want you to think if you use their hair products you will be beautiful and all of a sudden get a lot of money just for getting their hair product. However, this is bad because it makes fun of people who aren’t beautiful and don’t have a lot of money. This is bad because the ad makes it seem you have to be beautiful and have a lot of money to be happy.

This ad strongly promotes beauty and the wealth. In the ad, the girl who bought this hair product is beautiful, and rich. This message is making it seem like you have to be rich and beautiful to be happy, and that if you buy their product you will have everything else you want to go with it. This is bad because the ad is making it look like you will have everything you want, but you won’t.

This ad is offensive. It is saying if you are beautiful and rich you are going to have the best life ever. Also sexuality is used to persuade readers in this ad. How the women in the ad is clothed to a bare minimum, how her skin, face, and body is flails. This form of persuasion makes women seem more like and object rather than a subject. If readers could see through all of the none since this ad shows they would understand what is really going on in the ad.
In conclusion, this ad is offensive if you just read between the lines. It exploits women making them an object. This ad could be offensive to people who lack in money by using expensive items and rather beautiful house in the back ground. It would seem like the ad would be making fun of those types of things just by what it is showing. So it is saying if you have all of those things you are way better than anyone else that doesn’t have all of that.

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