The Good and The Bad | Teen Ink

The Good and The Bad

December 18, 2013
By Karizma BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Karizma BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

With every person you meet they will have a good and a bad side . They can be your best friend or your enemy. But is anyone ever just all good and is anyone just all bad? When a person makes a mistake are they automatically bad? You are suppose to learn from and move on from that mistake. Should you be judged on that one mistake? Should you be told that because that one mistake you are not a good person? Our choices define who we are- the good and the bad ones.

In the play Macbeth, Macbeth in the beginning was a brave and noble man, someone you could trust, someone good you could say. Then he goes and meets the witches and they put all of these juicy fate thoughts in his brain. At first he didn't really pay mind, but then some of it becomes true so he starts thinking selfishly, not caring if he puts anyone in danger. Then he has this wife who makes him feel less of a man because he doesn't want to hurt someone who is so nice and think so much of him. But at the end of the day he ends up killing he made the choice he could have just said no im not going to kill this innocent man but he did. Did he like the feeling at first ? no he felt really guilty but just because he feels guilty and he knows that the choice he made will have an impact on him. All choices made have an effect whether its good or bad.

Lady Macbeth didn't kill anyone but keep in mind she was the one who kept pushing Macbeth to kill but since she didn't kill is she still good ? or is she bad ? my opinion is she is bad because why tell someone who you love and was so innocent to the kill another innocent human being for your own selfish wants. Yes she didn't do it herself but if she could have i believe she would. Its like an evil presence takes over someone and makes them do things that on any other day they wouldn't even dare to do. Desires take over and lead you to make some terrible choices.But Lady Macbeth also has a heart still because even after she did it she felt really guilty it drove her mad. So with that you can see the choices you make have an affect on you.
So recently in the news a woman stabbed her boyfriend over a little argument on whether she should live in the dorms or at her mothers.Or even a couple blocks away from where i live i man shot his son and his wife while they were sleeping why we don't really know but this goes to show you that some choices people make are very bad. My school every year has the students bring in new toys and put it in a box and send it to kids who can't really afford to buy any gifts for christmas. So with that you can tell that some people's choices are also good.

Really what im trying to get at is NO a person cannot be all good. NO a person cannot be all bad. The choices you make define you. Your actions are what make you both good and bad. A bad person can easily turn good. A good person can easily turn bad. So any human being is both good and bad we all have desires, urges, and needs and wants. Learning how and when to act on these is the most important lesson we can learn.

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