Get Up | Teen Ink

Get Up

December 17, 2013
By Anonymous

Get up! Look up! Get up and see the beauty that’s surrounding you. Stop. Stop saying you hate your life because you’re not pretty, or skinny enough. I’m tired, you’re tired, and everyone else is tired of you complaining about life. Life is beautiful. And you know what’s so awesome; life is what YOU make it to. So just shut up, because no one wants to hear your whining. And do you know why? It won’t make a single thing better. All you do is making a negative mood, and that makes you dull. So pull yourself together and start being positive.

You can’t change the circumstances; the only thing you can change is your mind. Yes, rain can suck sometimes. But do you know what, complaining about it won’t make the rain stop. Big surprise. So put a stupid raincoat on, go out, and have fun in the rain. Do you see how easy it is to look for the positive in every situation? I promise you, when you start looking for the positive in every situation, your life will change forever. The beginning will be hard, just like everything else in life, but after a while you’ll do it automatically. Start with going to bed every day and think of all the positive things that happened that day.

This is life, and yes, life can be freaking hard sometimes. It’s not about living your life without pain or never falling. It’s about seeing the sun after the rain, and rising every time we fall. When you wake up every day thinking “today is going to be a horrible day,” guess what! It’s going to be. Stop being that negative person, because no one wants to hear about you or your stupid problems no one can help you with.

You can’t change school, rain or the world. The one thing, that tells you “this sucks,” is you. You and only you is the reason why math is boring. By changing your attitude, you will change your life. I’m not saying life is always positive, but your happiness is determined whether you focus on the positive or negative in life. Rule your mind, or it will rule you. It all starts with you.

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