What is worth dying for... | Teen Ink

What is worth dying for...

December 18, 2013
By GiselleV BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
GiselleV BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

All humans hate death, but we would all die for something.We all hate death because everyone wants to live a long time and no one wants to see their family members dead , but there is always something or someone you would die for. For many people we would die for someone that we love and who means a lot to us.

An example is my mom because she is the only person that carried me 9 months in her and went through all the pain to have me that nobody else did. This woman will always be here for me no matter what is going on. She is the only person that wants me doing things right. When I need something she is the first to find a way to give it to me. She is what i can call Best friend. The shoulder i have to cry on. I know if anything were to happen to me, she would be the first to suffer and do anything for me to get better.

Another example is Macbeth because he died for being what he wanted, which was being king. He wanted to be king because the witches prophesied that he would be. He killed all the people who was in his way to be king and didn’t give up. At the end he still kept fighting until they killed him.

Some people say that it's foolish to die for someone because you're not going to be around anymore to enjoy your life. But my answer to this is that sometimes you can't be selfish and just think about yourself. Think about others that care about you and would do the same for you.

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