"The Journey to Success" | Teen Ink

"The Journey to Success"

December 18, 2013
By Amir Hill BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Amir Hill BRONZE, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

If you want to be somebody in life you have to work hard for it. If you want to be a basketball player you have to work hard in school and on the court. Imagine how many people want the same dream as you, so you have make sure you work harder than the rest. People will recognize your talent. Every human has ambition, whether towards positive or negative.

Some humans have ambition towards negative goals. For example, Macbeth wanted to be king so he killed King Duncan. When you have a goal you will do anything as possible to reach that goal. This shows sometimes you have to get out your comfort zone. Macbeth knew that killing King Duncan was not the right thing to do, but he was getting pressured by his wife.

I have ambition towards my dream because one day I will like to go to the NBA. I have been working the hardest I can to have a starting spot on varsity. Last year as a 9th grader I received a spot on the varsity team. I didn't get barely any playing time the whole season. The summer after 9th grade I was in the gym training to be the best I can be. The following season I am starting varsity as a shooting guard. Also I've been working hard in school and I have A’s a B’s. My grades were so important on reaching my goals because you have to maintain a 3.0 GPA in order to remain on the team. This shows my positive choices on reaching my goals instead of giving up.

Many people want to be somebody one day. We all know we have to work hard to be the person you want to be in life. The question is: will people work to their full potential? Anybody can achieve their goal, but with goals there comes hardwork and dedication. The story of Michael Jordan really inspired me to write this story because Michael had ambition on chasing his dream. Michael Jordan was cut from his varsity high school team and still he never gave up on his dream. If you really want to pursue something in life you have to learn how to fail. If you learn how to fail it makes you work harder on reaching your dream.

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