Hate or Love? | Teen Ink

Hate or Love?

December 19, 2013
By Anonymous

Dearest reader,


This word consumes us every day. It is used so often that it seems to have lost its true meaning. Hate means to have an intense or passionate dislike for something. So, when you say you "hate" your parents, or you "hate" your best friend, or you "hate" this and "hate" that...do you really? Think about it. Do you honestly have that much disgust for that someone or something? I don't believe so at all! If you are using hate in an everyday sentence, you are using the word wrong. I am not trying to lay blame on anyone. I am guilty of using the word just as much as the next person. In our society, who isn't? We think agreeing with others that we hate something makes us, "cool" or, "powerful." But is doesn't. All it does is teach us to become hateful people, and hurts others in the process. We will go through life hating everything and everyone if we don't make an attempt to change our attitudes.

Why is it that such a dreadful word is so much easier to use than a kind word like, for instance...love? What would happen if we stopped hating and started loving? Would the world explode and turn into a place of mass chaos? No. It most certainly would not. The world would be a radiant place. People would be skipping down the streets holding hands and singing Christmas carols. Ok, maybe not, but people would get along and be so much more happy and supportive of each other. I don't know about you, but that's the kind of world I want to live in. So next time you think about saying you hate something, think about the impact that word will have on you and others. I am not saying you have to love everything, but make an attempt to start looking for the bright side of life rather than always living in the shadow.

a caring friend

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