Too Much Technology | Teen Ink

Too Much Technology

January 8, 2014
By Alexis W BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
Alexis W BRONZE, Washington, District Of Columbia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hey you! Yeah you, when was the last time you left your phone at home? Or when was the last time you just shunned technology all together. Don’t remember? Well of course you can’t. You see, today lots of people have IPhones, tablets, Samsung whatever. And because of this people are not enjoying the world around them, wrapped up in video games, and not studying enough. Yes I do understand that technology is really fascinating, and games and social media is really fun and entertaining . But we can’t just let our lives depend on it 24/7.

One way people are too focused on technology a little too much is that it’s preventing them from enjoying nature. People don’t even camp anymore because there’s no t.v, or Xbox , no service etc. And people say they play sports but what they really mean is that play sports related games. They rather just play games than go outside and play a sport.

That’s not the only thing, people are also wrapped up into too many video games. What’s even worst is that it’s not just guys, it’s girls too. But I do have to admit that I love video games too. And to be honest, I am wrapped up into video games a lot. I would stay up until five or six in the morning on weekends just playing games. It practically took over my life.

Also kids are not studying enough because they're too overwhelmed with technology. What they don't realize is that instead of them gaining knowledge, they're losing it along with their brain cells. And not understanding why their grades are low.

This has recently happened to me. I could remember me trying to decide if I want to keep playing Minecraft or study for a math test I had the next day. “ Oh my God I just found gold I should mine it!” I had said very eagerly. “But I do have to study before it get late,” I looked at the clock and it said 8:30. “I guess I have about an hour or two play,”

So I kept playing and playing and I hadn’t realized that it was 11:30 “Oh shoot!” I said “ I don’t even have time to study anymore I guess I’ll just sleep,”

So the next day I went to school and got a C- on that test. What I’ve learned was that video games were preventing me from studying and that it was a big issue.

To conclude, I would like to say that technology is hurting our lives and we don't even know it. We can fix this by making some fun outdoor activities and making learning more fun.

The author's comments:
I wrote this because I've notice that everywhere I go I see people on their phones and that they're not enjoying nature.

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