Time Capsule: 2013 | Teen Ink

Time Capsule: 2013

January 16, 2014
By Jullia Pham BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
Jullia Pham BRONZE, Wilmington, Massachusetts
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Hey. Hey you. Your shirt is yolo swag. Did you understand that? Well in the past year, that saying has been said more times than one could count.This hand written page will probably become foreign in the next decade because everyone's lives have a base center of an I phone. Look around right now in 2014 and you probably could only pick out a handful of kids that don't have an iphone or smartphone. Look around again and you probably can't spot a girl wearing any other brand besides VS Pink, Abercrombie, Hollister, or a North face jacket. Despite the world of unoriginality, the bad has brought out the good in the human race. With the Boston Marathon bombing came the death of four. Together, the city of Boston received support from all of Massachusetts, who then got support from all of the U.S, and then eventually the whole world. This event, despite being sorrowful and tragic, gave hope that maybe humans weren't losing their sense of humanity and that deep beneath that north face jacket, was a sensible and caring person still. 2013 may have seemed like the only thing it produced was a new overused slang term, or the latest VS Pink sweatshirt that every girl has, but it also showed that people were still human.

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