The Pursuit of an Impossible Reality | Teen Ink

The Pursuit of an Impossible Reality

February 18, 2014
By DannyGlez BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
DannyGlez BRONZE, Palm Desert, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A writer is someone who can make a riddle out of an answer."

I fear for human kind. Magnificent events will continue to take place in the history of humanity. But how will humans pass on these accounts when an euphonic and exciting vocabulary is not owned by our generation? A generation that is currently at the bottom of our society but will, in times drawing nearer and nearer, become the peak of society and ultimately, will become the only remaining society and have its own even more mediocre new generation.

This is why I detest the commonly-used "teenage slang". My hope for this society decreases every time these words (and many others) are said: "swag," "yolo," "OMG;" and especially the dreadfully misused "like," which people seem to have adopted as a filler for when proper words can't be found to complete a sentence. This abominable problem has become a disease that has affected even the most enlightened individuals. The blame for this atrocious illness relies mainly on one affair: the lack of interest in reading.

Oh, how many beautiful words there are and how small portion of them is being used! Words can be used as the most soothing solace in a situation of distress. They can describe happenings so vividly, the reader will feel as if he or she is there witnessing an oh, so marvelous sight. No, he will be there, maybe only for a moment, or perhaps for eternity!

Words can describe the beauty of a lover, or the exquisiteness of a red-orange sunset; every beautiful happening can be wonderfully described with the proper words. And they do it in such a pleasant, mellifluous way, that even if said in a whisper, their echoes would be loud enough to resound in the emptiest minds.

But words are also the most powerful weapon. Because the intensity of the effect a word can have does not relay on the speaker or on the word itself, but on the person receiving it. The damage a single word can do is well-known, for it has taken its toll on every life at a given moment. Words can devastate and destroy as easily as they can inflict happiness. They can be so powerful they will force you to swallow lies and adopt them as truths, making them seem so legitimate you will end up believing them.

How spectacular this world would be if words were used as musical notes! Perhaps some are more pleasant than others, and some are torture to the ear, but is upon the musician to assemble the most melodious terms and compose a masterpiece with them. How elegant conversations would be. Not dull as they are now, so simple they are childish to the point of ridiculousness.

Perhaps those golden times when words were prudently chosen and wisely employed, will be reborn in the future and create a new era. Perhaps that era will become the climax of our existence. The age in which our story culminates in a bright period of understanding and mutual support. Perhaps I dream of events that go further than my reality will ever go. But isn't that exactly what we need to reach our ambitions? To transform the impossible into reality, and develop a new pursuit for a new impossible.

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