LOUDER | Teen Ink


February 26, 2014
By Anonymous

Music up to loud to block out the sound of crying I should go and help but I don’t want to. Anyway I am in my own imaginary world writing about girls, vampires and werewolves and I don’t want to leave. The crying becomes hysterical the shouting is more like screaming. I am torn away from my imaginary world to m brother crying face down on the stairs. I sigh and begin to comfort him. Even though my best friend could be moving to Portugal and me the other side of the world. The boiler isn’t working so that’s Christmas, birthdays and holidays down the drain. And now my dad is extra grumpy. Woopty doo. And tomorrow my friends won’t even notice the dark rings under my eyes that I have no lunch and maybe that I have been crying bitterly

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