Past Tense | Teen Ink

Past Tense

March 24, 2014
By Anonymous

"Had" "went" about every word that ends with "ed"
When these words come from the mouth little do some realize it's about the "past."
Hanging onto memories of moments that won't "last."
Life is not a hurdle, a maze, an obstacle, or a struggle. It is about every cliché phrase that is said "It's what you make it.""It's what you choose to do with it." "It is what it is but, exactly how it should be."
A life is a life, made up of over a billion cells, that's all it is. Any living orgnaism is called a life. It's the journey we follow that make that life worth the past tense words. I know for me if I focus on the "use to" have and had's. I can't enjoy the present moment that will soon after just become another past tense word. Enjoy today, because if we think of yesterday, tomorrow will only be filled with thinking about the time we wasted thinking of what the English language calls, "Past tense." That's all it is, words making declarations that we are thinking of a moment in the past that in no humanly possible way we can get back.

The author's comments:
This says that the past don't matter.

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