Life Lesson | Teen Ink

Life Lesson

March 24, 2014
By Anonymous

I learned that being kind is one of the most important lessons in life. Being nice can help you through family, people, and especially friends. I remember my sister came home with all her friends one day. There were at least ten people and I got really jealous. I went into my room and I was very sad. At the time, I only had one friend. After they all left, I remember asking her, “Why do you have so many friends and I only have one?” She told me this long story of how it gets easier the older you get, but I remember how she told me to be nice. She said not to hate anyone or at least try not to show it. I tried to be nicer, like saying hi to my classmates and teachers and also helping others when they needed it. I realized that I actually had more friends the next year. Even though I had more friends, they didn’t come automatically, they came naturally.

Another lesson needed to be learned is to let loose and have. Always try to relax, especially when you are stressed. I went to a ski resort note to long ago, and went cross-skiing. It was my first time cross-country skiing and I was terrified and I kept using the poles for balance. My instructor told me to relax and let loose. It took me a while but when I relaxed, I felt like I was doing much better, I was skiing a lot smoother, and it was actually a lot more fun. I realized, that in life, it’s basically the same. Sometimes when you are really tight and in a really uncomfortable position, you just need to let loose, feel free, and life will be a lot more fun.

The final lesson, that I think, is the most important is to tell the truth. If you tell a lie, it will live with you for a really long time, if not, forever. When I was little, I went to camp, and we always had to have a buddy. When my two friends and I went to the bathroom to brush our teeth, one of my friends took a really long time, and she told us just to go back without her. When we got back, the chaperone came to check in to see if everyone was there. Since my friend wasn’t back yet, I lied and said she was with another friend, because I didn’t want to get in trouble and they told us to get her. The night of that, I could not sleep, and I was really embarrassed. Although this was years ago, I still remember this story, and this story will live with me for a while. I never really thought of telling the truth until that moment. Even a white lie, can live with you for a little while. Telling the truth is always really important, even if it’s really hard, it’s better than lying and dealing with it later.

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