Don't Give Up | Teen Ink

Don't Give Up

April 16, 2014
By Austin1496 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
Austin1496 BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory." - Bill Russell

You go through life making friends, forming relationships, and meeting new people. You share smiles, laughs, and memories. These people become the ones you trust, and go to in a time of need. They're there for advice, an ear to listen, and sometimes just a shoulder to cry on. You build a love for these people, a love that cannot be replaced. But in the blink of an eye they can be ripped right away. the feeling of depression and helplessness rushes through your body, and all you can ask is "Why?". You think life will never be the same, that you'll never be happy again, and you wish it would have been you instead of them. Sometimes you feel like the pain is to much to bear, and it can be healed by a pill, a razor, a rope, or a bullet. But to heal a temporary pain you believe is permanent causes the ones you made friends with, formed a relationship with, or met last week a lifetime of agonizing pain. When you lose all hope just realize tomorrow brings a new day the pain is being healed, a day that your loved ones are smiling, and a day you could make a new friend, form a new relationship, or meet a new person that could change your life. You are important, you are loved, you are the reason for someones smile, and your pain is going to heal. So don't give up, don't ever give up, because you are awesome!

The author's comments:
So many people around me have taken their lives in the past year, and it really hurts. I just want everyone to read this and realize suicide is not the answer, and life does get better.

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