Keep Holding On | Teen Ink

Keep Holding On

May 7, 2014
By GreySong SILVER, Glen Burnie, Maryland
GreySong SILVER, Glen Burnie, Maryland
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Keep holding on. Everyone says it to someone at some point. Am i the only one tired of hearing it? Seriously, can we stop and think for a moment. Think how its not always possible. Usually when people break it’s because they have been strong for way too long. In no way am i trying to say you should ignore a friend who says they can't handle “it” anymore. I’m saying don't udder those three words. Those words are abused and meaningless. I’m aloud to break at points. A guy breaks my heart I’m aloud to cry. Someone calls me fat im aloud to feel insecure. I have a week from Hell I’m aloud to break down in tears whenever I want. When all these things that make life crappy pile together, I am aloud to stop “holding on” for just a few minutes. So is everyone else….”Keep holding on” does not help. It make people feel as though people don't care and that you have to be a rock all the time. That's not right. No one has to always be strong. Everyone is aloud to be weak for a short moment. I swear I hear those words again I will walk out of that persons life and not come back.

The author's comments:
A monologue for you all

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