My Philosophy of Happiness | Teen Ink

My Philosophy of Happiness

May 9, 2014
By anonymous333 BRONZE, Watsonville, California
anonymous333 BRONZE, Watsonville, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

What is happiness? Happiness can be many things to people. People have different ways of think about happiness is and that is okay. People have their meaning and my meaning is that happiness comes when you are surrounded by high quality people, do new experiences, and doing meaningful things. This is my philosophy of happiness.

My first state is be surrounded by the people of high quality. By people of high quality I mean people that bring you up and people that won’t bring you down.(TED Talk) In order to be happy you need to be with people that are happy. You don’t want to hang out with people that are going to make you be depressed or that will call you fat or mean words. Family is is one of the high quality people that are always kind and caring to you. While friends can be high quality people, you have to choose the people that are high quality for you, always kind towards you that don’t hurt you and manipulate you in any kind of way. Why I think surrounding yourself with people of high quality makes you feel secure about yourself makes you feel happy.

My second statement is have new experience around the world.(documentary) Don’t just be doing the same thing you do over and over again be creative. Do other things that you wouldn’t do like go bungy jumping or swim with sharks. I think that this is one to the keys to happiness because your going out of your comfort zone to try new things and you are basically trying something for you not for someone else you choose to try new things. Don’t just clean the house the way you do over and over again try something different like add music or instead of cleaning the house by yourself add the family and have bonding time together.

My Last statement is to do meaningful acts.(documentary) I think that by doing meaningful acts you are helping yourself feel good about yourself be happy. You feel bad to a homeless man just sitting on the street. Yeah he probably went to the addiction to alcohol or some drugs, that man doesn't have family to support him, take incount he is by himself and the only happiness for the moment is being is when he might eat. So you probably would feel good about yourself when to give some change be you know that, that man will have a smile on his face because he might have enough change for the mean tonight. You would feel good that he has a smile and that would put a smile on your face.

Overall my philosophy of happiness is surround yourself with high quality, new experiences, and do meaningful acts. I picked these to be in philosophy because these make my day happy but you meaning or philosophy may be different just take in count people have different from my meaning.

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