Just Breathe | Teen Ink

Just Breathe

May 21, 2014
By hhhhhhhhhhh BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
hhhhhhhhhhh BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Depression is a hard thing to go through. People ask what it’s like to have depression. When I describe it, it feels like you’re drowning but everyone around you is breathing. The littlest thing can make you break down. It could be from failing a test or even spilling a glass of water. You feel like the world is against you. Every day is a struggle. You lose all the joy you once had in life. You feel as if you’re so alone and lost, like no one knows what you are going through. But the truth is more people than you think are going actually going through it as well. Yea I know it does not seem like it, but they are. Depression is not something that can be fixed overnight, not even in a month. Depression is a hormone imbalance and it takes a lot to get over it, to be back on track. Most people who are diagnosed with depression get put on some type of antidepressant but it does not always help. Sometimes you just have to do something to relieve your mind. Some people will turn to drugs, anger, or maybe even harming themselves seriously.

In reality, depression is an awful thing and so many people go through it every day. Its different for every person and sometimes people never get over it. But if you try hard to not let things get you and just breathe, I promise things will get better. When you feel like giving up, just take a step back and think about all the things you do have. And remember just breathe.

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