All Of Our Thoughts | Teen Ink

All Of Our Thoughts

May 21, 2014
By Anonymous

I see myself in a world full of mirrors. What does that mean? We live in our own world made up in our own minds. We make up stories and lies and images of what we think we are. Thats what I mean when I say I see myself in a world full of mirrors, but the truth is we are all truly ugly in some ways. We lie to our self and we put our creativity down. In ways we are our own bullys giving to us by the worlds perspective on how things really should be. Heres another question. What should we be? We dress up nice and put makeup on to impress somebody who could care less. We apply for jobs that we really don't want to do but we do them anyway because you want people to think you're a hard working person and not a bum. Is this what life really is coming to people pushing themselves into a box to make other people happy. The funny thing is those people may not even know that they are being watched to.

We are also beautiful because we can create things no human can ever dream of. You can dream of fame or money ,but what people can't dream is feelings. I know its corny and a little bit cheesy but its the truth the ugly truth. Sometimes people need a splash of reality to wake themselves up and pull themselves out of there own nightmare. Humans yes we are human belive it or not but we all have feeling. When we push ourselves down deeper and deeper sometimes we think that we have no feeling at all. Almost like we went completely numb. Thats society you are society. You can feel. You touch and you breath look at your friends your family thats not just being able to see but you feel you can feel them not physical but by just knowing they are real. That you are not invisible. So why do you dress up to make an impression? In my own opinion if you don't want to be pushed into a box and stuffed down into society maybe you can help change it by realizing you can feel instead of just sitting and complaining.

We can all change the society by not just realizing the little things that make us who we are but by living and not surviving. Get off your computer get rid of people perspective on you. Burst your own bubble to travel the world around you. It seems stupid almost preachy but I do not mean to perch but only to guide as I am just a thought of a creativity. I was written by a person I am gathered up thoughts by each and every one of you. Because we all say the same thing but never follow it. Is fear keeping us back? Is not living? Is the box keeping you back? Yes it is fear that might be keeping you back. Fear is keeping us all back by making a society into somebodys perfection. That somebody whoever it is is sacred too. We are all scared that we crumble but you don't realize we can't crumble no more because we are breathing in a broken society. We need to realize the reality of feeling of happiness because happiness isn't that everything is going right for you it is appreciating the little things around you. It is living it is feeling it is being human and realizing its okay. Its okay so please I am begging you follow your dreams follow yourself and not others. you are your own leader smash the perfection around you bc this is not perfection these are mirrors of a dirty world. We are coming to the end of this thought. I hoping that each and every person that reads this will smile for no reason just to feel.

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