Life Is What You Make It | Teen Ink

Life Is What You Make It

June 27, 2014
By TaylorBradshaw BRONZE, Andover, Kansas
TaylorBradshaw BRONZE, Andover, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I've got no choice but to chose and I cant make up my mind. We've all got a will and a way on this directionless path, we wander on trying to piece the never ending puzzle of life. Good things happen to bad people, and bad happens to the good. Are we all responsible for our actions? I don't know. Life brings us trouble, and just enough good. We can't be punished for doing what humans do, were all our own people. We face life each in our own way. We give ourselves direction in a ever expanding plane. Optimism shows that the glass is half full, but why only half? I ask. What's the point of the glass? Why can't we refill it, and why is it there? What if we don't have enough? What's in the glass, and how did I get it? Is it mine, does everyone have a glass, and do some have more than others? Uncertainty brings me despair, despair brings me hope. Hope guides me, it brings me to reason. Reason brings me to uncertainty, diminishing my joy. The circle revolves. I wonder the point. We all have got our meaning to life, and each on of us has the right one. Though they are different, they all are correct. Life is nothing but what you make it, an expansion of choices that lead to eventual death. I may chose to question, but sometimes i give up. I surrender, I quit. Letting go of my troubles and wandering on. I don't know when I'll die but right now I'm alive, for all I know today could be the day I was meant to survive. I'll make my own meaning, this meaning to life. I'll find my own path and and slowly walk down. I'll strut down through my existence, I'll make it the most. It may be an illusion, but what have I got to lose? Life. Life's the only thing I've got on my path to choosing my fate. Things happen. I can't control it. But I can do what I do. I can make it seem good, or tell myself it's awful. Why wake up from a good dream, or continue a nightmare? It's all really my choice. My life is all mine. I can seek death or fear it but I can never know it. At least life is controllable, for a short while. Death is forever. Even good things must come to end, but what about death, what comes after that? Life is a sense of closure. We are all fighting for ourselves.

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