Memoir | Teen Ink


October 3, 2014
By mendoza hamilton BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
mendoza hamilton BRONZE, Detroit, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I Lived in southwest detroit for most of my life.
30th Warren rite across the street from the Marathon gas station.
Everyone I grew up around was basically family .
I knew the whole neighborhood.
My friend from down the street Max and I would ride our bikes,run up and down the street like crazy and all.
One day my sister and I were on our way to my auntie house and I was riding my bike in circles around her so she told me to go ahead of her
.I took off faster than Usain Bolt. soon as I got to cross the street, smack! I got ran over by a car.
I got right up like it didn’t hurt at all my sister came running down the street, everyone  that was around, and who got out the car, my sisters boyfriend.
My bike was messed up i couldn't ride anywhere, they gave us a ride to the hospital and thankfully nothing was wrong.
I went on home and hibernated.
Moral of the story is don’t ride your bike into the street like you're crazy.

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