Money, the Blight of Humanity | Teen Ink

Money, the Blight of Humanity

October 8, 2014
By Deamonic-Crusader BRONZE, Adel, Iowa
Deamonic-Crusader BRONZE, Adel, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

We as a species, race, whatever, have gone too long with modern society, putting value on everything we see.  You see, the Communist state of governments has failed because it still uses currency.  If currency is thrown out the window, and all we have to do is go to the shoe store and say “I need a pair of shoes” and then you are handed your shoes you give up your current shoes to be taken apart to be recycled. Or if you are an entertainer, you could ask for a bigger TV, so you could still show the audience what you are doing from afar.  The point is, we would be more hospitable if we didn’t have currency, because then every person would not care what income you have, your car state, or even if you are in poverty, we do not need currency to live.  Currency is corrupting, because with great power, given all at once (the Lottery) people tend to disregard their peers, thinking they are better than them, just because they have more money.  Sure large companies would laugh at me for writing this, but I laugh back, because they are the ones CORRUPTING Humanity, i wish for Humanity to get better as a whole, not just a fraction, so join, and in the end we all can eradicate Poverty, injustice, most of the main problems on this planet dealing with money.  Laws will still stand, and  more would come.  Do not lose hope in Humanity yet, we have come a long way in the past 10,000 years.

The author's comments:

I was inspired by a fictional game I play (Warhammer 40k), where there is one army that does what I wrote about, and is a Utopian society, that rallies to a cuase called the Greater Good, which is pretty much you get what you need to have a good life, and ensures that everyone has that chance, and to advance thruogh society, you must do it on your own.

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