The Contradiction Called Love | Teen Ink

The Contradiction Called Love

October 8, 2014
By avery_jane BRONZE, Highlands Ranch, Colorado
avery_jane BRONZE, Highlands Ranch, Colorado
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Love seems to only be getting more complex and just plain hard as modern times keep coming. 

Sure, there are happy marriages everywhere, but just like in the news…. We only see the seldom losses of divorce and shredded love’s leftovers.

Then, of course, as we teenage girls do, we see a movie like Parent Trap and think to ourselves, “if they can fix love then so can I.” Have you ever tried piecing together a shredded paper like a puzzle? Well, I for one think it is near to impossible.

As for love, well I think love is special.

The dream love, the fairytale ending, the whirlwind romance…whatever you want to call it. It can be real. Go to your mall. Sit in the food court and watch an old couple eat together.

It is still there. And the love is still alive.

Now stop for a second, and just think about how our generation and the generation of the divorces differ from that old couple. There is one key thing separating us. Look on that table where the old couple is sitting. Tell me if you see a little electronic box separating the hands they long to hold. Because likelihood is, there isn’t one in sight.

This is our issue as modern day society.

We expect a love like Jack and Rose or Noah and Allie or Cinderella and Prince Charming, and yet our generation fights over something that we didn’t even hear! No! We read it off a text message and what if we read it wrong and were to quick to anger or we had a typo or anything that can so easily go wrong. Even 140 characters can start an argument in a modern love.

The concept seems backwards because don’t we have the potential to always be together based off a little device in your back pocket?

Yet, maybe that’s the problem. Always being together. That old couple didn’t get that opportunity. Therefore, they didn’t take for granted the time they had together and they actually got a chance to know the “I miss you’s” of love.

They knew the meaning behind the quote: “absence makes the heart grow fonder” instead of always being connected. Our day and age only knows how to be together but not apart. Not to mention the majority of time spent “together” isn’t even with one another, its in cyberspace.

We can’t leave our romance and just let each other be missed, no, because we are always in contact. It is great that our world is so connected but we are becoming less and less connected with our hearts to each other and maybe that’s why our loves are failing.

I bet you didn’t know that the more we are on our phones, the less empathic we become. We barely even know how to be in a room together unless there is a door called cyberspace connecting us.

It is ironic how when we are with our loved one (actually face-to-face), we often still are not together. Instead of your face and mine, your voice and mine, and your hand in mine, it has turned into your profile picture and mine, your “subtweet” and my “dm”, and your phone in your hand and mine with me. When we are together we are still worlds away as cyberspace never leaves our hands.

This all might seem silly, maybe even obviously stupid to say let alone write about. However, it’s true and knowing that also means that our generation will probably be too busy on their phones to realize the truth until its too late.

The sad truth is:
We are becoming a generation not only of divorce, but of lost love.

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