Love: Teens Understand | Teen Ink

Love: Teens Understand

October 9, 2014
By Lizzy23 BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
Lizzy23 BRONZE, Cedar City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
you cant base your life on other peoples expectations

Love. A word used loosly, youv'e heard it everyday as you walk out the door on your way to school. You hear your friends explain how much they LOVE being in the drama club. Everywhere you turn you can see love. Every human bein was made by love. Was made because of love. My question is, why why WHY adults seem to believe that teenagers don't know what love is. Love is simple, love is when you wouldn't be the same person with out them. Teenagers feel all sorts of emotions, from love, to hate, to happieness, to sadness. Teenagers know all these emotions, so why is it that adults feel that teenagers "Don't understand the seriousness of love." 

 Does anybody really understand love? I don't beleive so. I think love is different for everybody, and love is different for the relationships your in. You don't love your Grandma like you love your boyfriend. It's different to and for everyone. 

Teen agers understand it. We understand love. Wev'e seen it, we've felt it, so why wouldn't we be in love?

The author's comments:

Teenagers know what love is. Love exists in our daily lives. 

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