We Are the Voice of the Children | Teen Ink

We Are the Voice of the Children

November 20, 2014
By SkyMcCarty BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
SkyMcCarty BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The power point was concise and provided specific steps, examples and opportunity for practice. The power point was eye-pleasing and the content was presented in a manner that all students could comprehend. The Faculty used clear speech, proper grammar, academic language and vocabulary. The presentation was broken down into smaller chunks to ensure success among all students. The Faculty effectively incorporated different types of technology in the presentation.  The power point was eye-pleasing and easy to read. Visuals were provided both in the power point. There were video clips incorporated into the power point presentation. The visuals and video clip engaged the students and captured their attention.

The author's comments:

This is a satire comic about child abuse.

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