Girls | Teen Ink


November 21, 2014
By Adarabara BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
Adarabara BRONZE, Duluth, Minnesota
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Dear girlies, this letter is to all of you that think you are ugly, or have trouble accepting yourselves. You need to know that you are beautiful in every way. You may look in the mirror and just tear yourself apart, but you are not worthy of that. You deserve to treat yourself well and not bring yourself down.  You need to start having some self-confidence, don’t make excuses. When someone gives you a compliment, do not respond with no I’m not. Say thank you and compliment them back because chances are that girl or boy might need a self confidence boost too.  If you think accepting that compliment is being cocky, it’s not. Learn to not compare yourself to other girls. Don’t look at a magazine and admire how skinny she looks, because it is all fake. Don’t wish that you were someone else or looked like someone else. You were put on this world as you and only you. You were put here to be different and make changes in the world. Start accepting yourself for who you are and not who you wish to be. If you aren’t who you are you wouldn’t be here today. Think about all the things that would be different if you weren’t living this wonderful life.  So girls remember to love yourself, because you are loved for exactly who you are.

Another girl

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on Dec. 4 2014 at 12:26 pm
Kaitlincutie GOLD, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
19 articles 1 photo 18 comments

Favorite Quote:
Whether you think you can or can't, you're right

thanks, that helps alot c: