Love Instead of Hate | Teen Ink

Love Instead of Hate

January 13, 2015
By Sothe BRONZE, San Marcos, California
Sothe BRONZE, San Marcos, California
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Every man has his secret sorrows which the world knows not; and often times we call a man cold when he is only sad.” -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

 God hates everyone.  He does not love us but rather revengefully punishes us.  This is the message that the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) spreads.  They believe in a God that does not love but only hates.  Their teachings counteract the those of most churches which teach of a loving God.  Also the members of the WBC are quick to criticize everyone and know not the meaning of disrespect.

The WBC makes it know that God is hateful.  They create signs which disgust many people at the amount of profanity and disrespect they portray.  The message of God's love is not in their Bible but is replaced by hate.  Their mission: to make everyone aware of this hate.  American flags are worn upside down about their bodies,  pickets outside churches and funeral of deceased soldiers show they great disrespect they poses.  

  I do not believe in a hateful God, but rather a loving one.  These people of the WBC have gotten the message wrong and read only what they want to read from the Bible, omitting the proof of love and replacing it with hate.  Hate isn't the answer.  Love is.  Picketing in front of other churches is hypocritical.  If the WBC is willing to use freedom of religion and speech as a means of not getting in trouble for their hate crimes them how can they that other religions can not worship and condemn their ways.  Open you minds and hearts WBC and maybe you will see the light.

Although America does have it's flaws, it is still a better country than most in the world.  Disgracing it's flag is outrageous and in a way, a sign of treason.  The amount of disrespect for the soldiers is saddening.  The men and women who gave their lives so you may enjoy freedom, and you repay them with mockery and hate.  Downright unacceptable. 

The author's comments:

The amount of disrespect toward the servive men and women of America is unbearable, if only WBC knew the Truth.

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