What Matters Most | Teen Ink

What Matters Most

January 27, 2015
By Brett Mccullough BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
Brett Mccullough BRONZE, Highland Home, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Money is what matters the most to me. If gas goes in my Jeep, I put it there. My dad rarely ever gives me money. I work on the weekends to make my money. Money makes the world go round.


My father teaches me responsibility and the value of a dollar by giving me no other option, but to work. Don't get me wrong I don't mind working. It gives me a sense of pride that nobody can take from me. Pops allows me to have a lot more freedom since I am responsible. At the end of the day I am glad I make my own money.

Working has made the idea of fixing my 1966 GMC possible. My grandfather gave me the truck. Since then I have put over a grand in the truck. I bought a disc brake conversion kit with two and a half inch drop spindles to lower the front of the truck. Without working and making my own money that would not be possible.

I wish to go to CCA next year. I am going to have to pay for it myself if I can't get a full ride scholarship. I'll work all summer to save up the money. The most I can pay is three thousand one hundred twenty dollars. During the school year I'll have to work on the weekends to pay for gas.

Money makes everything you do possible. It makes the simple everyday things like waking up and turning on the lights matter. Without money you can't pay the bills. If you don't pay the bills you can't cook food. No food means you starve to death that's why money is important to me.

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