Crash (Review) | Teen Ink

Crash (Review)

February 8, 2015
By _KingHannah_ BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
_KingHannah_ BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I cannot imagine what it would be like to be in a car accident.  The author described it as a "moment of one hundred percent pure terror" and I agree.  Hearing the sounds of glass breaking and metal on metal would be horrifying.  I can understand how scary it would be.  Hearing about a family member or classmate being in a crash is scary but being in one yourself would be worse.  Drunk driving and car accidents happen more than one would like to hear and in Ayersville, we know what that tradgedy is like.  In the past year and a half, my school's community has experienced two horrible car accidents, neither of which was a result of drunk driving, however.  

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