Drug Enforcement Agency Checking in on Us? | Teen Ink

Drug Enforcement Agency Checking in on Us?

March 17, 2015
By Anonymous

It has been brought to light that the D.E.A. have been keeping phone records on American’s making any calls outside of the country. Now these are not the less than friendly agents that are known from the show Breaking Bad, but the kind who keep records such as these on the population of America without our permission. The majority of the calls that are being monitored and saved are those of people who are making calls out of the country, but necessarily those who have a reason to be suspected. What has been recorded is the: time and date that the call was made as well as the length of the call. It has not been said if they are also keeping tabs on calls coming from outside of the country as well.

The D.E.A. is only the most recent organization caught secretly keeping troves of information about the American public stored. Another one that has brought up controversy is the NSA, National Security Agency, who has record of every single call made by Americans nationwide. These two agencies have both worked hand in hand with the telecommunications giant AT&T. The data being shared between these power companies goes back as far as 1987. The countries that they put most of their focus towards included Iran, and other countries known for drug trafficking operations. We still do not know just how extensive their records may be, but it does urge us to tread with caution in order to avoid Big Brother looking down on us.

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