What's in a Nickname? | Teen Ink

What's in a Nickname?

April 2, 2015
By johni_sweeney BRONZE, Cincinnai, Ohio
johni_sweeney BRONZE, Cincinnai, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is what you make it, so make it big!

Everyone has a nickname. Every William is “Bill,” and every Richard is “Dick.” Some are just frivolous, while others have deep meaning attached to them. My nickname is “Johni.” No, not “Johnny,” but “Johni.” Much like my name, it is a unique spin on an old classic. Yes, it may be hard to spell, or just plain silly, but, it has a deep meaning for me.

One, it represents the uniqueness of my personality and name spelling. Instead of plain old “Johnny,” I mixed it up and made it “Johni.” Much in the same way instead of “Jonathan,” my parents did “Johnathen.” My name has always been misspelled butchered, and tortured. So, having a nickname, that is many ways has gone through that, is trivial to me.

Two, it represents control. Instead of having people tell me what my nickname is, or how to spell it, I’m deciding. And in a world of unpredictability, mayhem, and seemingly everything being out of your control, it feels good to have something, a very personal something, be under your control.  A nickname is a very personal thing, and letting other people choose the qualities of that very personal thing just seems like you’re letting other people control a very intimate part of you.

Three, it represents independence. I’m deciding what my nickname is, and how to spell it, not letting other people do it for me. I don’t like when other people let others choose their nickname.

Four, it represents a source of pride. We have prides in our name, because they are attached to the accomplishments we have done. When people hear “Johni,” I want them to conjure up the work I do for others, the hard work I put into school, and so forth.

We all have a nickname. Every Susan is “Susie,” and every John is “Jack.” Our nicknames are a story of where we’ve been, of the stories we have to tell, and the memories we have stored. My nickname is indeed the path I have traveled, the words I wish to elaborate on, and the photographs forever burned into my retinas. My nickname means a lot to me, not just because it’s a name, but it’s who I am, it’s my identity.

The author's comments:

have you ever thought about something as small as a nickname?

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