Declaration of Independence from Standardized Testing | Teen Ink

Declaration of Independence from Standardized Testing

April 17, 2015
By Maddyy BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
Maddyy BRONZE, Defiance, Ohio
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Everything happens for a reason."

When, in the course of standardized testing events, it becomes necessary for one to be induced into a robotic-like educational coma where he or she becomes oblivious to the creative and broad perspectives of different subject material.  For standardized testing has become the epitome of failure throughout the educational system. 

We hold these truths to be self evident--That all teachers and students are equip to their own natural rights.  All have the right to teach the curriculum but under less restricted standards.  Teachers should have the right to express their knowledge beyond the book and the test.  Students should be permitted to focus more on their studies and less on the stress, which lurks behind the rigorous drilling and studying prior to the test and attacks just before the test is slapped onto the desk.  Students should have the right to be defended by journaling, critical thinking, and problem solving, not by a number given back to them on a peace of white paper at the end of a year.  In agreement, they should have the right to graduate based on their high school competence and attendance, not a rigorous test.

It is not acceptable that differentiated learners do not get accommodations that are needed on the test.
It is not acceptable that teachers are forced to teach a test and not a subject.
It is not acceptable that one score determines a teachers ability and effectiveness to teach.
It is not acceptable that a score overpowers a cumulative GPA when regarding college acceptance.
It is not acceptable that the person making up the tests is a bureaucrat sitting behind a desk who knows nothing that goes on in the education system.
It is not acceptable that they test performance instead of competency.
It is not acceptable that they test on a time limit instead of accuracy.
It is not acceptable that standardized tests do not measure creativity and critical thinking.
It is not acceptable that the tests are causing learners of all grads excessive amounts of stress.
It is not acceptable that teachers have to “dumb down” what is being learned in the classroom for students tot pass the test. 

I, therefore, the representative of anti-standardized tests declare that, from this moment forward, all teachers and students of the United States Nation, public and private, are free to teach their curriculum and knowledge of their subject.  That all students are free to study their courses and learn to their best ability free of unreliable standardized testing and stress due to the constant testing.  For theses exams are sure to show no real knowledge.

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