Teens and Plastic Surgery | Teen Ink

Teens and Plastic Surgery

June 5, 2015
By Aira David BRONZE, Buffalo, New York
Aira David BRONZE, Buffalo, New York
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Everyone has that one friend who complains everyday, “I hate my nose.  I  hate my nose.  I hate my nose!” You can agree with it or come to peace with it and feel alright. According to the surgeons there are many complication going through any kind of surgery. such complication like hematoma, nerve damage, infection, deep vein thrombosis and allergic reaction to anesthesia that even result in death. To many teens turn to plastic surgery.


Plastic surgery has been common since 600 BC. When first Hindu surgeon reconstructed a nose by only using a piece of cheek. By 1000 AD plastic surgery had become very popular.Gaspare Tagliacozzi known as the father of plastic surgery. people also knew the complication such as infection, bleeding, fluid and salt imbalance and anesthesia allergy.

Everybody have desire to look pretty. But instead of hard people chose the easy way.There are about 219,000 procedures just performed in one year on teens. Teenagers turn to plastic surgery to solve physical deformities.
Becca is one of those teenagers who received breast implant when she was 18 as a graduation gift. We teens are too young to understand the future ramification or to have unrealistic effect in future.

We as Teenagers seek self-esteem through plastic surgery. Instead of grooming waxing, plucking, body training or skin care kids chose to get surgery. According to surgeons as we get older our self-esteem decrease. A girl from New Jersey kristen was 15 when she was disappointed by her breast size so she decided to have breast implant when she turns 18 her parents supported her. Parents are more likely to say ” yes”  to their children.

Some of us teenagers turns to plastic surgery to avoid being bullied. Kristen was 18 when she received  breast implant because, she said “ I just wanted to normal.” when she was 16 her mom and sister also received breast implant and she decided, that is what she needed. she wanted to protect herself from being bullied. According to the youth advocate Traci S. Campbell “but it’s clear more teens are undergoing invasive, sometimes dangerous procedures simply to feel fit in,”                

Living a normal life had become fearful but we don’t need plastic surgery to get over our fear. Cosmetic surgery had become our external motivator to avoid ethnic prejudice. Such as fear of age, discrimination, and direct or subtle, indirect coercion by a spouse parent or boss. It is Internal motivator for those who have the desire to diminish unpleasant feeling of depression, shame or social anxiety which is  usually common in females and hope to create strong and powerful appearance in public.

It is reasonable to have plastic surgery if a person breaks his bone or a dog bite or have burns or to fix any kind of congenital malformation. But there are also many complication that may cause minor injuries such as bleeding scars and allergic reaction to anesthesia can cause death. Two girls in the united states died while going through plastic surgery due to embolism syndrome and allergic reaction of anesthesia.

To many teens turn to plastic surgery.It’s is unnecessary to go through plastic surgery to fix your feature however going through any kind of surgery contain complications. But getting a plastic surgery when got hurt in an accident or any kind of wound is necessary. We don’t need plastic surgery to look pretty. According to Conrad hall ”There is a kind of beauty in imperfection.”

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