Unaware | Teen Ink


June 11, 2015
By Noahro BRONZE, Pleasant Hill, Iowa
Noahro BRONZE, Pleasant Hill, Iowa
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Children are told at a young age they can be whatever they want to be. Parents, neighbors and teachers ask what their dreams are, as if the kids are in control of their life's. Growing up they don't remember their dreams, they don't take time to remember or they don't even care. Before they know it they are enslaved. Forced to grow up so quick, they get caught up in time and money always on a schedule.


From kindergarten up to teen years, their time fades. School recess goes, high school comes, the kids are expected to play sports, work or join a club. The days go by and these kids think everything is alright because they're doing what everybody else is doing. Keeping busy. Senior year comes and panic reigns, the teens were so wrapped up in schedules they never really got to do their own thing, explore life and their minds. All of a sudden they make unthought out plans because they have no clue who they are or what they want.


Pressured with lost time, un assurance and peers, the one thing they fall back on is how to make good money. After the years spending, earning and watching the world evolve around money they forget their dreams. They compromise their futures with money. Running into brick walls realizing they are "adults" now after all those years of being consumed by fitting in with society. All of a sudden, bills, deadlines, taxes, and labor is their only reality.


It's unnatural the way it's set up. People just accept that it's a part of life but they don't understand that it doesn't have to be. There is so much more to life than what we know. It's our world, not money's. Money isn't living, it's not what keeps us alive. It's a distraction from true wonder. If dreams and marvel aren't well and alive than humans are as good as dead.


As long as people are distracted by clocks and pieces of paper. Their own talents and values are drowned. People are being used by a system that dissolves away the things that make them human. Everybody deserves to navigate through life unexpected and full of new experiences. Our existences shouldn't be defined by social classes and order. Until this mental chain is broken, people will continue to be unaware slaves under a system.

The author's comments:

I just want the future to be aware of their talents and value them along with new experiences. I hope they conquer their fears and do something that matters to them.

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