To Be A Clone | Teen Ink

To Be A Clone

June 16, 2015
By Anonymous

Let me tell you something: fully functioning human clones aren't a thing of the future anymore.


The sentence above may not be true in the medical sense, but it is certainly true in a cultural sense. Everywhere—in the supermarket, inside classrooms, at parks—people seem to be more like each other. We listen to the same music, wear the same clothes, and do the same things.


The truth is: we let society define us too often. We wear a certain piece of clothing because it is deemed fashionable by our so-called friends. The songs in our playlists are the same songs played over and over again by the pop radio downtown.


To be unique isn't respected. Instead, we are pressured to conform, to act like a clone of the person beside us, and to discard our opinion for the opinion of others.


In reality, there is beauty in diversity. A group of friends who think differently will almost certainly succeed more than a group who always has a single opinion for everything. Why? Simply because that group can learn more and in turn, be more.


We must not let society define us. That is a sickness, if left unhealed, that will continue to destroy individuals who have so much potential.


Society should not define us. We should define society.

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