Take a Breath | Teen Ink

Take a Breath

September 9, 2015
By Anonymous

It will be worth it my teacher tells me when I sign up for the weekend SAT classes. It will be worth it my coach tells me as I drag myself to another 3 hour swim practice. Trust me, it will be worth it my sister mumbles as I wake up at 5am to fit in an extra class before school. It will be worth it I drill in my mind as I cry helplessly in my bedroom feeling like I my life is closing in around me.

I am perfect on a piece of paper. 4.0, volunteer every weekend and Varsity athlete. But I am far from alright on the inside. I gave up my childhood, my friends, and my happiness for what? A pretty piece of paper? Yes, I want to get into a top college, we all do but at what cost? I have been unhappy for the past four years. I have always sacrificed my family and friends for school work. I am driving myself sick to get a little bit more practice and frequently find my brain screaming “PLEASE GOD JUST LET ME SLEEP JUST A LITTLE BIT OF SLEEP!” . This is a plea to look at the bigger picture take a breath because if you are anything like me you are suffocating. Are you willing to give up your happiness for the chance of a shot at Harvard? Will that truly make you happy in the end? Is it worth it?

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