Action Is Stronger Than Words | Teen Ink

Action Is Stronger Than Words

October 6, 2015
By Anonymous

"I'll start working on it tomorrow. I promise." This used to me always telling myself that I'll do it. Until I failed a class. That's why I believe that action is stronger than just talk the talk because it's easy to say "I'll stop flirting with her," or "I'll do it tomorrow." Not only that people react to actions than words.

For example let's say you're in a relationship with some that gets jealous easily and she  hates it when you talk to any other girl. Even if it's your mom! But you love so much you are willing to work it out with her. So you tell her all this stuff about how you won't leave her and that you won't talk to anyone but her, but she does trust you because you keep doing it. Until you decide to isolate yourself to where you can't talk to anyone. Than bam she suddenly believes.

That why I think taking action is way better than just saying it. Because everybody can talk, but it's the people that take action and live up to there words have the best life.

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